Haloform reaction

The reaction in which carbonyl compound having three alpha hydrogen treated with a mixture of halogen and sodium hydroxide to give haloform means trihalomethane.

NaOH reacts with X2 to produce NaOI which replaces three hydrogen by three halogen atom. here halogens are Cl2, Br2 or I2.

Alpha, beta, gama and delta Carbon / Hydrogen .
1. First carbon / hydrogen from functional group (in this case it is OH) is called ALPHA carbon and hydrogen present on alpha carbon is called ALPHA hydrogen.
2. Second carbon / hydrogen from functional group (in this case it is OH) is called BETA carbon and hydrogen present on alpha carbon is called BETA hydrogen.
3. Third carbon / hydrogen from functional group (in this case it is OH) is called GAMA carbon and hydrogen present on alpha carbon is called GAMA hydrogen.
4. Forth carbon / hydrogen from functional group (in this case it is OH) is called DELTA carbon and hydrogen present on alpha carbon is called DELTA hydrogen.

Example of Haloform Reaction:-

Reaction of Ethanal ( Acetaldehyde)

Reaction of Propanone (Acetone)

This reaction is also given by alcohol having three beta hydrogen atoms. alcohol is first converted into carbonyl compound than into haloform.


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