Competency Based Lesson / Unit Plan UNIT -2- Atomic Structure-11th Standard

Name of Vidyalaya………………………..

Competency Based Lesson / Unit Plan

1. Name of the Teacher  …………………………….                         Designation:  PGT Chemistry      

2. Subject:- CHEMISTRY                                Class :-11       Section …………….                                         

3. Lesson/Unit Name :-Structure of Atom

4. No. of periods required:- 10                                   Duration From: ….. / … / ……. to …/… / …….

A  .   Learning Outcomes( specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes) Students will be able to

1. Describe the structure of the atom.

2. State the location, relative charge, and atomic mass of the subatomic particles.

3. Know about the discovery of electron, proton and neutron and their characteristics

4. Describe J.J Thomson, Rutherford atomic models

5. Define atomic number, mass number 6. Define isotope, isobars

 7. Understand the dual nature of electrons

8. Understand the nature of Electromagnetic radiation and Planck’ quantum theory.

9. Perform quantitative calculations based on the relationship between wavelength, energy, and the speed of light.

10. Define wavelength, frequency, and energy of a photon.

11. Identify, and rank the different types of light radiation.

11.Describe the photoelectric effect and relate the energy and/or intensity of the photons to the work function and kinetic energy of the ejected electrons.

12.Understand the relationship between discrete electron energy levels and atomic absorption and emission spectra.

13.Apply the Rydberg formula to predict the energy of transitions between two n levels in the hydrogen atom.

14.Describe the Bohr’s Model of an atom.

 15.Understand the important features of the quantum mechanical model of atom.

16.State de Broglie relation and Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.

17.Define an atomic orbital in terms of quantum numbers.

18.State Aufbau principle, Pauli’s exclusion principle and Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity.

 19.Write the electronic configurations of atoms

B. Details of pedagogical  Strategies / process( Art integration, Sports integrated, Story telling based, Toy based/any other pedagogy:

Art integration activity:  Making 3D models of different orbitals

. Sports integration:  The students will run in a ground, based on their speed of running, they will calculate the wavelength associated with them. With the help of this activity, ask them the significance of de-Broglie’s equation in macroscopic world

Story Telling based-  The story of Bohr’s atomic model 

Talk between scientists through plays like between Bohr and Rutherford about the structure of atom. ·

 C  Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students-


· Based on their speed, how can we calculate the wavelength of different subatomic particles?

 · Why spin of electron is taken as plus half and minus half only?

 · Why atomic mass is taken as the sum of protons and neutrons only?

· Is it possible that an orbital can accommodate more than two electrons? If not, give reasons

D  Name   21st  Century Skills to be developed

  •  Critical Thinking  by solving numerical related to De-broglie  wave equation and Heisenberg-s uncertainty principle.
  •   Collaboration  by writing the electronic configurations of higher elements.
  • communication  .
  • Creativity: students will express perceptives about spin of the electron.

E  . Activities /Experiments/Hands on learning/Projects:

  Engaging students into group discussion on topics like Emission spectrum, absorption spectrum, electronic configuration etc.

 · Conducting quiz in class, giving worksheets based on Bohr’s model.

 · Talk between scientists through plays like between Bohr and Rutherford about the structure of atom.

 · Slip tests to develop time management skills.

 · Analytical approach and applications related, adopting observation and thinking skills.

F .   Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of life skills, Values, Gender Sensitivity and Environmental  Awareness : Students will apply the knowledge of shells,energies of orbits  and De Broglies concept in Modern Physics.

G :  Resources(Including ICT)- 

H:  Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments(  Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the same  with learning outcomes mentioned in para  A

ItemsNo of ItemsSN of LOItemsNo of ItemsSN of LO
Oral Quiz11,2,3Presentation16
Portfolio  Puzzle  
Multiple choice Questions1011Group Project12
Very Short Answer Questions1011Individual Project12
Short Answer Questions59,10,11Any Other Item  
Long Answer Questions211   
Competency Based Questions36,7,8,9,10,11   

I   Remedial Teaching Plans/ Plan for unfurnished portion of previous Unit:

(a)  Practice of Important Questions from Text Book

(b)  Practice of Competency based questions.

© Drilling of standard MCQ’s from NCERT exempler

(d)Practicing mind maps.

J  Inclusive Practice  (Activities / Support measures for differently abled students) :    NA

Date  :                                                                                    (Signature of the Teacher)

Remarks of the Principal / Vice Principal


                                                                        Signature of the Principal / Vice Principal