UNIT-1- CHEMICAL REACTIONS AND EQUATIONS – Competency Based Lesson / Unit Plan -10th Standard

          Competency Based Lesson / Unit Plan

  1. Name of the Teacher –…………………..          Designation –PGT CHEMISTRY
  • Subject  – CHEMISTRY                 Class- X                      Section : A& B


  • No. of periods required –10       Duration From   .. / .. / …… to  .. / .. / ……..
  1. Learning Outcomes

1. Compare the characteristics of initial and final substance in order to check whether the     change is   physical or chemical.

2.  Relate the substance taking part in chemical reaction and substance formed in chemical   reaction in order to classify them as reactants and products.

  • .Use chemical symbol and chemical formula correctly in order to acquire the skill of       writing chemical equations.
  • Apply law of conservation of mass in order to balance the chemical equations.
  • Classify the given reaction as displacement and double displacement  based on reactants and products.
  •  Categories the given reaction as combination/decomposition based  based on reactants and products..

7     Predict the reaction as oxidation and reduction based on addition /removal of oxygen         and  hydrogen..

  • .Observe the colour change in iron copper, silver articles overtime in order to outline the effect of corrosion in our surroundings(real life situation.)
  • Detect change in smell colour , taste, of food items .

    B. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story          telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy):

  1. Art integrated activity: diagram of decomposition of lead nitrate , burning of magnesium ribbon , decomposition of water by passing electricity.
  2. Toy based process: test tube , beaker,china dish.
  3. Story telling based ; carbon dioxide gas passing in lime water story.

C  Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students –Divide the class in five groups (each group once in a week by rearranging classroom)

D.Name 21st Century Skills to be developed :

  1. Critical thinking by giving different  chemicals to select as reactants and products .
  2. Collaboration by collecting reactants and  poducts


  1. Reaction between  quick lime and water.
  2. Reaction between copper sulphate solution and iron nail.
  3. Burning of LPG
  4. Burning of paper

F.Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender

     Sensitivity and Environmental Awareness:

          Self  awareness , Think  scientifically   and  artistically  to  solve  real  life  problems

G.Resources (including ICT):

  1. www.chemigod.com
  2. www.chemistryworld.com
  3. http://www.chem.uci.edu
  4. NCERT Text Book                

    H. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the

         class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the    same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A):

Items  No of ItemsSl.No. of LOItems  No of ItemsSl.No. of LO
Oral Quiz86,7,8Presentation16
Multiple choice Questions86,7,8Group Project16
Very Short Answer Questions86,7,8,9Individual Project16
Short Answer Questions86,7,8,9Any other Item  
Long Answer Questions26,7,8   
Compentancy based Questions36,7,8   
  1. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit:
  1. Practice of previous year CBSE questions
  2. Practice of competency-based questions
  3. Practice of Assertion-reason type of questions
  4. Practice of various chemical reactions to balance

  J. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students):NA

 Date: …………..                                                   (Signature of the teacher)

   Remarks of the Principal/Vice Principal:



                  (Signature of the Principal/Vice Principal)


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