UNIT -2- ELECTROCHEMISRY- Competency Based Lesson / Unit Plan 12thStandard

Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan

  1. Name of the Teacher – ………………….   Designation PGT CHEMISTRY
  1. Subject   CHEMISTRY                     Class XII                                        Section A
  1. Lesson/Unit Name:- (UNIT -3) ELECTROCHEMISTRY
  1. No. of periods required 15 Duration From …/ … / ……… to  …/ …/ ……..
  1. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes):

After studying this Unit, students will be able to

1.Describe an electrochemical cell and differentiate between galvanic and electrolytic cells;

2.Apply Nernst equation for calculating the emf of galvanic cell and define standard potential of

   the cell;

3.Derive relation between standard potential of the cell, Gibbs energy of cell reaction and its    

   equilibrium constant;

4. Define resistivity (ρ), conductivity(κ) and molar conductivity of ionic solutions;

5. Differentiate between ionic (electrolytic) and electronic conductivity;

6. Describe the method for measurement of conductivity of electrolytic solutions and calculation of their molar conductivity;

7.Justify the variation of conductivity and molar conductivity of solutions with change in their    

  concentration and define °m Λ (molar conductivity at zero concentration or infinite dilution);

8.Enunciate Kohlrausch law and learn its applications;

9.Understand quantitative aspects of electrolysis;

10.Describe the construction of some primary and secondary batteries and fuel cells;

11.Explain corrosion as an electrochemical process.

    B. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story

          telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy):

  1. Art integrated activity: Demo of Pen torch cell, Button cell, Car battery and Dry batteries in the different instruments used in daily life
  2. Toy based process: Open the differ toys and find the energy requirement and kind of cell used in working of toy
  3. Story based activity; Narration of life history of Michael Faraday and hid his contributions to electrochemistry.
  1. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by  

Rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work):

  • Construction of simple voltaic cell using available material in lab and explain how concentration change of electrolytes vary the cell potential
  • Collect different types of cells in and around you and explain its construction and working
  • Collect the information about 1 gram gold coated jewelry a latest trend in making of ornaments
  1. Name 21st Century Skills to be developed :
  1. Critical thinking by constructing concentration cell.
  2. Collaboration by Listing and collecting different types of cells, and sharing of information
  1. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects:
  1. Construction of Zinc-Copper cell
  2. To find the variation of cell potential by changing concentration.
  3. To determine mass of a metal deposited at Cathode on electrolysis
  1. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender

     Sensitivity and Environmental Awareness:

  1. Sensing the environmental hazards in disposal of wastages of used batteries

    2.  Comparing the cost effectiveness of different type of cells

  1. Resources (including ICT):
    4.NCERT Text Book                

    H. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the

         class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the

          same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A):

Items  No of ItemsSl.No. of LOItems  No of ItemsSl.No. of LO
Oral Quiz10 Presentation17
Portfolio Puzzle  
Multiple choice Questions101 TO 11Group Project  
Very Short Answer Questions101 TO 11Individual Project  
Short Answer Questions81 TO 11Any other Item  
Long Answer Questions22 TO 11   
Compentancy based Questions310,11.   

Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items.

  1. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit:
  1. Practice of previous year CBSE questions
  2. Practice of competency-based questions
  3. Practice of Assertion-reason type of questions
  4. Practice of Numericals

  J. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students):


   Date: ……………..                                                 (Signature of the teacher)

   Remarks of the Principal/Vice Principal:



                                                (Signature of the Principal/Vice Principal)

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