Practical Examination Question Paper Term-II 2022 CBSE, India

Practical Examination Sample Question Paper 1st Term-II 2022 CBSE, India
Subject:- Chemistry Subject Code: – 043 Name of School :- School Code:-
Time :- 3 hours                                        M.M.  :  15
Instructions :
1.Question number 1,2 and 3 to be performed in the lab.
2.All question are compulsory.
3.Perform the given experiment and report that in examination note book systematically.
4.Use all precaution measures while working in the lab and protect your note book from chemicals, burn etc.
Questions are as follows-
Q1. Find out the molarity and strength in g/L of given unknown KMnO4 solution by using M/20 Mohr salt solution. ( Solutions of different Concentrations should be given to students, therefore prepare at least two to four of solution of KMnO4 should prepare )
AND / OR  
Find out the molarity and strength in g / l of given unknown KMnO4 solution by using M/20 Oxalic Acid solution.                 (4)
Q2.   To detect the presence of one cation and anion in given salt.             (4)
Q3.   Identify the functional group present in the given organic compound.      (2)
Q4.    Investigatory Project and viva –voice                            (5)
Sign of Internal Examiner  ….………………  Sign of External Examiner………………………..
Name of Internal Examiner………………… Name of External Examiner………………………
Internal Examiner number    ……………….. External Examine number………………………
( Note:-1.Colourless salts should be preferred . 2.Distribute salts randomly. 3.Try to give cations and anions from each group 4. Distribute organic functional groups randomly.)
Alok Sharma , PGT Chemistry

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