Investigatory Project No:-19- To investigate the chloride content in milk. अन्वेषी / खोजी / जांच परियोजना:-19-दूध में क्लोराइड की मात्रा की जांच करना।

Investigatory Project for Class 11 and 12 Chemistry and Biology CBSE Students

Aim:- To investigate the chloride content in milk.
Apparatus:- Conical flask, burette, pipettes etc.
Reagents:- Ferric alum indicator: In 10% nitric acid, prepared by boiling excess of iron alum, cooling and filtering; Potassium thiocyanate: 0.05 N, (standardized against standard potassium chloride.), Silver nitrate: Approximately 0.05 N, Concentrated nitric acid.
Theory:- The normal range of chloride content

in cow’s milk is 80-140 mg/100 ml and
in buffalo’s milk is 60-70 mg/100 ml.

Determination of chloride content in milk can be used as a means of detecting abnormal milk such as infected udders, colostrum and late lactation milk which are usually high in chloride content.
Values of chloride content higher than 0.14% (140 mg/ 100 ml) in milk indicate the presence of abnormal milk.

Estimation of chloride content in milk is based on argentometric titration (Volhard’s method). In this method a known excess quantity of standard AgNO3 solution is added to the known volume of milk. The chloride present in milk reacts with silver nitrate and forms white precipitate of insoluble silver chloride. The unused AgNO3 (which is present in excess) is back titrated against standard potassium thiocyanate (KCNS) in presence of concentrated HNO3 using ferric alum as indicator. End point of titration is the first appearance of orange-red colour which persists for at least 15 seconds. End point of titration is not clearly visible in sample titration with potassium thiocyanate (KCNS). HNO3 is added to the system to dissolve the interfering casein and also to make the solution acidic so as to keep the AgCI in the precipitated form.


CI- + Ag+ —–》 AgCI
(until all Cl- is complexed)

Ag+ + SCN- ——-》 AgSCN
(to quantitate silver not complexed with chloride)

SCN- + Fe3+ —–》 FeSCN
(orange-red when there is any SCN- not complexed to Ag+)

Preparation of reagents:-
A. Potassium thiocyanate -0.05 N Solution

w = M x GMM X V ( in ml)/ 1000 w = N x GEM X V ( in ml)/ 1000

w = 0.05 N x 97 g mol- X 100 ml / 1000 = 0.485 g

Dissolve 0.485 g of in water present in 100 ml volumetric flask and make up with water up to the ring.
B. Silver nitrate: Approximately 0.05 N Solution

w = M x GMM X V ( in ml)/ 1000 w = N x GEM X V ( in ml)/ 1000

w = 0.05 N x 170 g mol- X 100 ml / 1000 = 0.85 g

Dissolve 0.85 g of in water present in 100 ml volumetric flask and make up with water up to the ring.

Take 10 g of the sample, accurately weighed in a 250 ml of Erlenmeyer flask.
To this add 10 ml of silver nitrate solution and 10 ml of concentrated nitric acid. Shake the content.
Digest the mixture until reddish brown fumes are evolved.
Cool the flask and add 1 ml of saturated iron alum solution.
Determine the excess of silver nitrate by titrating with the standard potassium thiocyanate until the first appearance of an orange red colour that persists for 10 seconds.
In the same manner, determine the volume of the standard thiocyanate solution equivalent to 10 ml of silver nitrate using the same volumes of reagents and water.

S.N.Sample of milkX = volume in ml of the standard potassium thiocyanate solution required by the blankY = volume in ml of the standard potassium thiocyanate solution required by the sample{X- Y } Chloride, % by weight = 0.01773 (Y – X)Chloride as sodium chloride, % by weight = 0.02923 (Y- X)
1Cow milk of healthy cow
2Cow milk with infected udders
3Cow milk with colostrum
4Cow milk with late lactation
5Buffalo milk of healthy Buffalo
6Cow milk with infected udders
7Cow milk with colostrum
8Cow milk with late lactation

Chloride, % by weight = 0.01773 (Y – X)

Chloride as sodium chloride, % by weight = 0.02923 (Y- X) Where,

X = volume in ml of the standard potassium thiocyanate solution required by the blank,
Y = volume in ml of the standard potassium thiocyanate solution required by the sample.

Resut:-The samples of milk of cow/ Buffalo with infected udders, colostrum and late lactation cases have more chloride content.


Practical Examination Question Paper Term-II 2022 CBSE, India

Practical Examination Sample Question Paper 1st Term-II 2022 CBSE, India
Subject:- Chemistry Subject Code: – 043 Name of School :- School Code:-
Time :- 3 hours                                        M.M.  :  15
Instructions :
1.Question number 1,2 and 3 to be performed in the lab.
2.All question are compulsory.
3.Perform the given experiment and report that in examination note book systematically.
4.Use all precaution measures while working in the lab and protect your note book from chemicals, burn etc.
Questions are as follows-
Q1. Find out the molarity and strength in g/L of given unknown KMnO4 solution by using M/20 Mohr salt solution. ( Solutions of different Concentrations should be given to students, therefore prepare at least two to four of solution of KMnO4 should prepare )
AND / OR  
Find out the molarity and strength in g / l of given unknown KMnO4 solution by using M/20 Oxalic Acid solution.                 (4)
Q2.   To detect the presence of one cation and anion in given salt.             (4)
Q3.   Identify the functional group present in the given organic compound.      (2)
Q4.    Investigatory Project and viva –voice                            (5)
Sign of Internal Examiner  ….………………  Sign of External Examiner………………………..
Name of Internal Examiner………………… Name of External Examiner………………………
Internal Examiner number    ……………….. External Examine number………………………
( Note:-1.Colourless salts should be preferred . 2.Distribute salts randomly. 3.Try to give cations and anions from each group 4. Distribute organic functional groups randomly.)
Alok Sharma , PGT Chemistry

Detection of functional group in a given organic compound Class 12 (CBSE) Practical

(Detection of Functional Group In given Unknown Organic Sample)
It carries 2 marks in CBSE Class 12 Science Practical Term II Examination 2021-22 session
Aim :- To detect the Functional Group In given Unknown Organic Sample.
Colour:- Colourless
State:- Liquid.
Odour:- Specific (Like Nail paint remover )
Observation Table:-

1The sample + alkaline KMnO4 solution is added drop wise to it.
Pink colour does not disappear.Unsaturation ( Carbon-carbon double / triple bond) is not present in the sample.
2.Sample is dissolved in water and dip blue litmus paper in it or add few drops of solution on blue litmus paper with clean dropper.No change in colour.– OH (Phenolic) or — COOH ( Carboxylic ) functional group is absent.
3.The sample is dissolved in water and dip blue litmus paper in it or add few drops of solution on blue litmus paper with clean dropper.No change in colour.– NH2 ( Amine ) functional group is absent.
4Small amount of the sample + 2,4 DNP solution + shake + (heat if required)
Yellow precipitate appears
Presence of carbonyl ( C=O ) group is confirmed. Means either aldehyde or Ketone may present.
5Small amount of the sample +Tollen,s reagent + heatSilver mirror ( surface of test tube becomes shiny due to deposition of silver on glass surface or black precipitate appear in test tube if silver is unable to form deposited itself on surface of test tube. Presence of aldehyde ( -CHO ) functional group is confirmed.
6Small amount of the sample +Mixture of Fehling solution A and B + heatRed precipitate appearsPresence of aldehyde ( -CHO ) functional group is confirmed.
7Small amount of the sample + Sodium nitropruside solution + add NaOH dropwiseRed colour appearsC=O (Ketone ) functional group is absent.
Alok Sharma, PGT Chemistry

Result:- The aldehyde functional group is present in the given unknown organic compound.