NEET / IIT Previous Year Question Unit-Solution of Class 12 Medium English

GOO GLE FORM के माध्यम से 10 प्रश्नों वाले यूनिट-समाधान का परीक्षण देने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें
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Quiz Atomic Structure Class-11 Chemistry

CLICK HERE TO GIVE QUIZ THROUGH GOOGLE FORM This quiz Contains solutions of questions also as feedback and numerical problems. This quiz includes Bohr’s model of an atom , Quantum mechanical model of an atom, Heisenberg’s principal, Plank’s Equation, Photoelectric effect, Dual nature of EMR and Electron, Quantum numbers etc.

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Assertion Reason Questions Haloalkanes and Haloarenes Class 12 Chemistry

A quiz of 10 question on google form. CLOCK HERE TO GIVE THID TEST / QUIZ

Test / Quiz Class 11 Chemistry Unit-1-Some basic concepts in Chemistry and Atomic Structure

This is a Quiz / Test from Unit 1 Some basic concepts in Chemistry and Unit-2- Atomic Structure (First half of unit) This is from syllabus of CBSE ( Central Board of Secondary Education ) India. CLICK HERE TO GIVE QUIZ through GOOGLE FORM